Roles of SSA’s Office of Research, Evaluation and Statistics

3:00 pm EDT

Webinar recordings and presentations are available to Members.

The Social Security Administration’s Office of Research, Evaluation and Statistics (SSA, ORES) is a multifaceted organization that develops a variety of data, research, and tools related to this long-standing American institution. In this webinar, staff will provide a visual walkthrough of the ORES website and explain the following research and statistical lines of business:

  1. Angela Harper will provide an overview of the ORES published statistics program;
  2. Paul Davies will provide an overview of the ORES research program; and
  3. Marc Sinofsky will provide an overview of the ORES research and statistical data linkage program.

Angela Harper, Social Science Research Analyst, Social Security Administration
Paul Davies, Senior Advisor, Social Security Administration
Marc Sinofsky, Senior Advisor, Social Security Administration