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April 2024 Newsletter

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Welcome to Our Newest Board Member

Meeta Anand, Senior Program Director for Census & Data Equity at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, joined the APDU Board in March.

APDU Annual Conference Call for Proposals

APDU is welcoming proposals for the 2024 Annual Conference: Unlocking the Potential of Public Data. Visit the conference website for more information.

Calling All Census and ACS Data Experts

Call for Steering Committee Members for Data User Groups

In partnership with the Census Bureau, Population Reference Bureau (PRB) is soliciting applications for membership on two separate steering committees to help plan activities for engaging data users.

  • The American Community Survey Data Users Group Steering Committee will have approximately 10-12 members who provide feedback to PRB and the Census Bureau on ACS-related activities, data products, dissemination channels, and/or methods.
  • The new Decennial Census Data Users Group Steering Committee will have approximately 10-12 members who will help guide the development of a new online community forum. This forum will enable decennial census data users to discuss matters related to decennial census data products.

If you are interested in being considered for membership on either committee, please complete the application:

The deadline for applications is TODAY Thursday, April 4.

Upcoming Webinars and Events

Local Data for Local Action Webinar

Join the Massive Data Institute and Association of Public Data Users for a webinar on April 18th from 1 – 2 p.m. EST with three authors from the new issue of Cityscape presenting their research. This issue, Local Data for Local Action, was edited by Amy O’Hara highlighting how administrative data can inform housing policy.

  • Michael Henderson – Using Linked Administrative Data to Profile a City’s Rental Stock and Landlords and Guide a Lead-Safe Housing Initiative
  • Sarah Duda – Assessing How Gentrification and Disinvestment-Related Market Pressures Drive the Loss of Small Multiunit Housing in Chicago Neighborhoods
  • Max Griswold – Analyzing the Effect of Crime-Free Housing Policies on Completed Evictions Using Spatial First Differences

Register here to join the conversation.

AI Day for Federal Statistics: A CNSTAT Public Event

The Committee on National Statistics, the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology, the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy, and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences are working together to organize an AI Day on May 2, 2024. The implications of AI for federal statistical agencies will be explored, including a look at what statistical research needs to be performed.

You can find details about the event here.

Adapting Economies to Thrive in a Changing World Event

The National Economic Research and Resilience Center at Argonne National Laboratory, is hosting an event April 30-May 2, 2024 in Lemont, Illinois. The National Economic Resilience Forum: Adapting Economies to Thrive in a Changing World will gather practitioners and researchers from across the country to focus on the successes and challenges being faced by economic development practitioners around resilience, equity, climate change, and changing economic conditions. Participants will leave with actionable ideas to implement in their communities. Attendees must register no later than April 29 (U.S. citizens) or April 22 (non-U.S. citizens), as well as complete a separate Argonne visitor registration to attend.

You can find the agenda here.

New and Notable

What we’re reading this month


APDU recently signed on to:

In Case You Missed It

Recordings are now available for our recent webinars:

Job Opportunities

Visit us on LinkedIn for recent job postings.

Calls for Comment

Visit us on LinkedIn for the most current calls for comment on federal data sources.

We want to showcase your work

Do you have a new product, data visualization, data story, or other achievement you’d like to share? Let us know at and your work might be featured in next month’s newsletter.

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