Upcoming Webinars and Events
Upcoming for members only: APDU leadership is organizing a Town Hall on challenges ahead for the federal statistical system. Details will be shared with members soon. If you are not yet an APDU member, contact us for more information.
- New Tools: AI-powered Data Assistant, December 3 (new date)
- Unlock the Power of Crime Data to Transform Lives, presented by APDU and Social Explorer, January 14 (new date)
- Data Storytelling award winner, January 30
New and Notable
- OMB Publishes the Trust Regulation to Strengthen the U.S. Federal Statistical System’s Ability to Produce Accurate, Objective, and Trustworthy Information (Office of Management and Budget)
- Early Childhood Program Participation: 2023 (National Center for Education Statistics)
- Demonstration Data: Profiles of Selected Populations Based on Ancestry Data and Newly Collected Detailed Race Data from the 2022 American Community Survey (Census Bureau)
- New Papers, Code, and Findings for 2020 Census Data Products (Census Bureau)
- U.S. energy production has increased faster than energy consumption over the past 50 years (Energy Information Administration)
What we’re reading this month
- Beyond Schedule F, Trump has ‘arsenal’ of ways to target federal employees (Federal News Network)
- US Government Pauses Plan to Cut Sample of Critical Jobs Survey and Congress Urged to Boost Funding for US Labor Survey (Bloomberg)
- Investing in High-Quality Data Pays Off (National Review)
- Census Funding with MACS and The Census Project podcast episode (Center for Rural Policy and Development)
- Convening on Disability Measurement: A Powerful Next Step in an Ongoing Discussion (Office of Management and Budget, Census Bureau, National Center for Health Statistics, National Council on Disability, The Leadership Conference Education Fund, and the Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities’ Health Task Force)
Advocacy and Comment Opportunities
- APDU signed on to the Census Project’s letter supporting Census Bureau funding in the Fiscal Year 2025 Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations bill.
Visit us on LinkedIn for the most current calls for comment on federal data sources.
In Case You Missed It
Recordings are now available for our recent webinars:
- Data Opportunities and Challenges in a Post-Roe World
- Responding to Federal Requests for Comment
- Local Data for Local Action
- State Courts and Using Data for Good
- Our Census: Looking Back to 2020 and Forward to 2030
- Do No Harm Guide: Collecting, Analyzing, and Reporting Gender and Sexual Orientation Data
Job Opportunities
Visit us on LinkedIn for recent job postings.
We want to showcase your work
Do you have a new product, data visualization, data story, or other achievement you’d like to share? Let us know at info@apdu.org and your work might be featured in next month’s newsletter.